Thursday, September 18, 2008


Have you ever tried to break up with someone and it seemed as if they just wouldn't leave you alone? That irritates me and gets under my skin. I tried to tell this boy that we just weren't meant to be and he didn't seem to understand that. he called my phone everyday and at all different hours of the night. I had my favorite song as my ring tone but, by the time my ex-boyfriend got done it was a song I hated to hear. People shouldn't stalk someones cell phone. It makes you look like a loser or just really lonely. Some might say I have to much pride in myself but, I believe I have to much to do besides stalking somebodies phone. Stalking is very unattractive and it is so nerve wrecking. If someone doesn't want to be bothered just move on. By stalking someones phone your showing them just how much control they have over you. If its over don't call twenty seven times in one hour. A good way to keep from stalking is to find something recreational to do to get your mind off the person you just cant seem to let go. Remember being cling is never cute and is so irritating.